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Adson Cerebellar Retractor 6 1/2" Angled 80 Degree 4x4 Sharp

Adson Cerebellar Retractor 6 1/2″ Angled 80 Degree 4×4 Sharp

The Adson Cerebellar Retractor 6 1/2″ Angled 80 Degree 4×4 Sharp is a surgical instrument used to retract the cerebellum in craniotomy and tumor resection. It is a self-retaining retractor with a ratchet mechanism, which means that it can be placed in position and will stay there without the surgeon needing to hold it in place. 

Our Adson Cerebellar Retractorr is made of medical-grade German stainless. The blade is angled at 80 degrees with 4×4 sharp prongs, which allows it to reach the cerebellum easily. The teeth are sharp, which helps to grip the cerebellum and prevent it from moving during surgery.